In addition to providing design services worldwide, Tropical is also proud to offer CADSTAR sales and off maintenance legacy version support efforts in 28 countries and 7 time zones.
Tropical attributes its success to the continuous application of the policy:“100% Customer Satisfaction; No Exceptions, No Excuses.”
About Us
Our current staff of 10 designers has an average of 35 years direct design experience encompassing every technology in use today. In addition to providing design services world-wide, Tropical also offers CADSTAR sales and off maintenance support efforts in 28 countries and 7 time zones. We offer our services both on- and off-site, with or without hardware and software.

Authorized Zuken Reseller
We are proud to be Zuken’s distributors for CADSTAR. For details of the regions we cover, please refer to our office locations.
100% Customer Satisfaction; No Exceptions, No Excuses.
“Tropical PCB helped us on an important project for a large Japanese customer. Their expertise in Zuken CAD tools was absolutely essential to solve major compatibility problems. The work they produced was used in a mass product and proved to be fully functional” – TI National Semiconductor